This morning (Tuesday 4th September, 2018) His Excellency The Governor General Sir S.W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP welcomed to Government House the members of the Team from the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant (CFBC) which recently represented Saint Kitts and Nevis at the 2018 First Global Challenge held in Mexico City. Our Robotics Team represented our Country with distinction at last year’s Competition in Washington DC.
His Excellency commended the Team on their positive projection of Saint Kitts and Nevis which despite our small size is able to successfully participate in an international competition of 192 Teams from 180 countries as an opportunity to expand our skills in robotics. The members of the Team explained their respective roles on the Team and the robotics exercises which were undertaken.
His Excellency congratulated the Team on their 2018 representation and wished them well in all future undertakings.