Minister for International Trade, the Honourable Lindsay Grant said that women play an important role in society, and accelerating the rate of female entrepreneurship can have a positive effect on their entry into the labour force.
“Women entrepreneurs are a significant part of the economic growth of St. Kitts and Nevis and we continue to support their progress and encourage them to start businesses,” said Minister Grant.
The minister added that a number of organizations will play their part and continue to work to ensure that the support is in place for female entrepreneurs to start-up businesses, flourish and grow.” These include the Ministry of International Trade; the Chamber of Industry and Commerce; Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (COESL); Youth Empowerment; the Department of Culture, and other partner organizations
Speaking on the Global Entrepreneurship Network’s (GEN) Caribbean theme: Creating Sustainable Livelihoods for all Through Entrepreneurship: No one must be left behind he said that “It continues to reflect what we value highly in St. Kitts & Nevis: inclusion. We believe that entrepreneurship is a force for good, that is, bringing people and governments together to solve problems, create jobs and improve the lives of ALL of our people in our communities across St. Kitts & Nevis, which serves to make the country a better place.”
According to, GEW Women celebrates female entrepreneurs, ecosystem builders, investors and other startup champions, while offering opportunities to expand their networks, identify resources and share knowledge with other women around the world.