On 2 June 2022, The University of the West Indies Open Campus St Kitts and Nevis Site hosted the launch of the book ‘From Shepherd Boy in the Hills of Frigate Bay to Prominent World Scientist’ written by Dr Samuel Rawlins. Dr Samuel Rawlins is an alumnus of The University of the West Indies, He also lectured at the Mona campus in Jamaica and the St. Augustine campus in Trinidad. In 2007, Dr Rawlins had the distinction of sharing the Nobel Peace Prize with other scientists who worked on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The programme included remarks from one of Dr Rawlins’ past students, Dr Karen Polson Edwards, PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, and his children, Dr Sekou Rawlins and Dr Samantha Rawlins. MrDenzil Crooke OBE presented a review of the book.
The book is an autobiography which describes the Dr Rawlins’ life as a little boy growing up in Newtown, migrating to England, returning to the live and work in several Caribbean islands, his academic life and retirement in St Kitts. The book motivates readers to strive for excellence, learn to adapt and trust in God.
During the event, Dr Rawlins generously donated a copy of his book to The UWI Open Campus St. Kitts and Nevis Site Library, which was accepted by Mrs Gaile Gray-Phillip, Head of Site.
Persons interested in purchasing a copy of the book can call The UWI St Kitts Site at 465-2190.