Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 16, 2022 (SKNIS): Administrators and managers in the health sector in St. Kitts and Nevis are exploring strategies to help reduce and eliminate HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination at the workplace and within communities.
The officials attended a workshop on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort. National HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Dr. Mathias Afortu-Ofre, stated that stigma and discrimination remain a challenge for persons who are HIV or AIDS positive or are affected by the virus.
“We know that having our people well informed and educated about stigma and discrimination would create a platform where we can function with knowledge and make well-informed decisions,” Dr. Ofre stated.
Confidentiality is a critical tool for the effective functioning of the health system. This is especially important in matters relating to HIV/AIDS.
“We see that it is a vital and essential part in ensuring that the services we provide are top class and we want to make sure that the people we are providing this information, the people who are providing this service are well informed,” the national HIV/AIDS official added.
Dr. Ofre said that similar workshops will be held in the near future.