The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela extends its heartfelt words of condolences to the brotherly People and Government of the Republic of Türkiye, headed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for the terrible explosion registered today in the city of Istanbul, which left fatalities, numerous injured and substantial material losses.
In the face of such an unfortunate event, Venezuela joins in the mourning that grips them at this fateful moment, expressing our solidarity to the families, friends and relatives of the victims and expressing our best wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela trusts in the actions of the Turkish authorities to clarify the facts that mourn dozens of homes and to establish the due responsibilities of the case.
Likewise, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically condemns this event and maintains its principled position of absolute condemnation of terrorist acts, methods and practices, in all their forms and manifestations.
Finally, the National Government ratifies its feelings of brotherhood and solidarity with the Government of President Recep Erdogan and the Turkish People in this moment of deep sorrow and significant losses.
Caracas, November 13, 2022